Enhancing Social and Emotional Development
The primary goal of the North Star program is the enhancement of social and emotional development for pre-adolescent girls. Girls this age tend to lose confidence in themselves as individuals, and look to their environment and their peers for guidance and a sense of self-worth. Through art and supportive conversation, North Star provides a safe atmosphere for preadolescent girls to connect with themselves and with each other, and to explore more about who they are and to learn self appreciation. It is through these connections that the girls explore difficult nuances of social interaction and discover how to treat others and allow themselves to be treated in effective, healthy relationships.
Seven Components of Self-Esteem
Seven components of self-esteem serve as the theoretical framework upon which this program is based. These components tell us:
- I am unique
- I am connected
- I am comfortable in my body
- I am loveable
- I am worthwhile
- I assert my power
- I have role models
Each session is focused on one of these components. A question, a quotation and an art activity expand the meaning of each component and comprise the format for each session.
North Star provides an opportunity for young girls to express their feelings, realize that others share their concerns, and provide support for one another in a non-authoritative, safe environment. The program enhances self-esteem, develops communication skills, and fosters trust and empathetic understanding, all of which promotes their social and emotional development.